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Pet Care Tips

Puppy Teething 101

Puppy Teething 101

Puppy teething can be a challenging time for pet parents. The discomfort caused by teething can lead our little friends to chew on things they shouldn't - including your new shoes or furniture. Help your puppy feel better by trying these tips from our Morton vets.

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Signs That Your Dogs May Be Dealing With Tooth Pain

Signs That Your Dogs May Be Dealing With Tooth Pain

Dental issues are as painful for dogs as they are for people, but how can you tell if your dog is suffering from an oral health issue? In today's post, our Morton vets explain the signs of tooth pain in dogs.

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A Guide to Caring For Your Dog's Teeth & Gums

A Guide to Caring For Your Dog's Teeth & Gums

Taking care of your dog's dental health is an essential step towards ensuring that your pup stays happy and healthy as they continue to age. Our Morton vets explain how you can make sure your dog's mouth is getting the attention it needs.

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Dental Disease in Cats - What You Need to Know

Dental Disease in Cats - What You Need to Know

It's important to understand that dental problems in cats can be just as painful as our own oral health issues, even though cats are typically much better at hiding pain than we are. To help you spot signs that your cat may have a painful dental condition our Morton vets share 7 common dental problems and their symptoms.

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Signs of Cat Heart Problems That Pet Parents Should Watch For

Signs of Cat Heart Problems That Pet Parents Should Watch For

Like people, our feline friends can suffer from a number of different heart problems. But how do you know if your cat has a heart issue? Today, our Morton vets explain the types of heart disease seen in cats, symptoms to watch for, and treatments.

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A Pet Parent's Guide to Acute Kidney Failure in Dogs

A Pet Parent's Guide to Acute Kidney Failure in Dogs

Healthy kidneys perform a range of essential functions, dogs suffering from acute kidney failure experience a sudden and rapid decline in kidney function that requires urgent veterinary care. Our Morton vets explain the signs of acute kidney failure in dogs, and what to do. 

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Pneumonia in Cats - Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Pneumonia in Cats - Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs and airways that can occur in cats for a number of reasons. Here, our vets Morton vets discuss the causes, symptoms and treatment for pneumonia in cats.

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How to Help a Constipated Dog

How to Help a Constipated Dog

Our Morton vets know that constipation in dogs may seem like a minor health concern but, depending on the cause, constipation can be a sign of a life-threatening health issue! Today we share some possible causes of your dog's constipation and what you should do.

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What To Do if Your Cat Has a Cold

What To Do if Your Cat Has a Cold

Cat colds are upper respiratory infections characterized by all the same symptoms as the human cold. If your feline friend is sneezing or has a runny nose there's a good chance they have a cat cold. Here, our Morton County vets explain more about cat colds and when to seek veterinary care.

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Cat Urinary Tract Infections & FLUTD

Cat Urinary Tract Infections & FLUTD

Our Morton vets don't often see urinary tract infections in cats, but when we do they are typically in older cats, or cats with other underlying urinary tract issues. In today's post we look at the symptoms, causes and treatments for urinary tract infections in cats.

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New Patients Welcome

Stoney Creek Veterinary Hospital is accepting new patients! Our experienced vets are passionate about the health of companion animals in Morton and surrounding areas. Get in touch today to book your pet's first appointment.

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